Airsoft is a thrilling pastime enjoyed by people all over the world. Airsoft uses replica guns that fire 6mm plastic BBs and are designed for recreational shooting, survival games, military simulation, reenactments, or just plain old collecting. Airsoft Guns are available in a wide range of styles and models, including airsoft rifles, airsoft pistols, airsoft revolvers, airsoft sniper, airsoft shotguns, airsoft grenade launchers, and airsoft machineguns. Many airsoft guns can shoot a combination of full-auto, semi-auto, and burst modes. Many popular models from the actual gun world are represented in airsoft, including Glock, Sig Sauer, H&K, Colt, Kalashnikov, Smith & Wesson, FN, and many more. Airsoft also encompasses a wide variety of airsoft gear and airsoft accessories including airsoft grenades, airsoft masks, airsoft goggles, airsoft suppressors, and much more. For you as the player, equipment might include a tactical vest, helmet, pistol holster, magazine pouches, and much more. All these help to simulate real-life combat in a way that is as realistic as possible while still being completely safe. If you're new to airsoft, read our article that explains what is airsoft or what is an airsoft gun.